
Your assets have never had so much Values!

MyAssetRocks turns your tangible assets into profits!

They support us

  • BPI France
  • CPME
  • Europe
  • France Relance
  • French Tech
  • Le Village CA
  • L'Europe s'engage avec le FEDER
  • Region Réunion
  • Microsoft
  • Ministère de l'enseignement et de recherche
  • Mouvement Entreprises de France
  • République Française
  • Technopole réunion
  • Business France

Why should you use MyAssetRocks?

Can you imagine having employees who only work 30% of their time? Or selling only 30% of your inventory? Or earning interest on only 30% of your investments? Of course not!

And yet, your tangible assets are only used between 30% and 70% of their capacity!

What a waste, isn't it? Waste of value, waste for your company, waste for your ecosystem and waste for the environment!

How does it work?



your internal management

Decentralize the management of your assets by giving each of your employees and departments a real-time view of what the company has, what is available at any given time, and its operating status. Each use is then planned for an improved rate of service.
You can also access consolidated and dynamic dashboards, and benefit from all the performance indicators you need for optimized asset management.



Access to new opportunities

You know exactly when an asset is or will be used, so you also know when it's not! And what happens when it's not in use?
With MyAssetRocks, you can easily rent it out to other subsidiaries, partners or the market. Increase your utilization rates and generate additional cash flow!



Control your environmental footprint

By applying the principles of the circular economy, the collaborative economy and the economy of functionality, you gain access to levers for environmental optimization!
Use the environmental dashboard to calculate the environmental footprint of each of your assets and the gains generated by renting them out.


A platform designed by you and made for you

We understand the specific needs of your business, and MyAssetRock has been designed to meet them.

Fully customizable


Define the role of each member of your team


Define the visibility of each of your assets


Define rental terms for each of your assets

Generating just 5% additional profitability on your assets means:


Your customer receivables covered


Your total payroll covered


Your working capital covered

And all without having to invest, just by increasing the profitability of what you already have!

A true end-to-end asset management platform,
MyAssetRocks gives you 360° control of your assets

Need more details?

Watch this video


Access all your assets in just 1 click

Whether you want to search for an asset, check its usage schedule, check its availability or book it, you can do it at your fingertips.


Get the assets you need


Get the assets you need

Need a temporary asset? A machinery, storage space, laboratory equipment or office space?
Search easily on our marketplace and access, in a geolocalized way, the assets of your subsidiaries, your partners or the market.

Don't let your assets rest, rent them out

When an asset is not in use, whether for 1 hour or several months, rent it out!
Don't lose money, make money! Boost your profitability and cash flow generation


Base your decisions on reliable and accurate data


Base your decisions on reliable and accurate data

Access operational, financial and environmental dashboards.
Whether you want an asset-by-asset view, by asset category, by assignment center, by site, by employee or globally, MyAssetRocks will provide you with the information you need.

MyAssetRocks optimizes your assets for...

Optimizing your company's assets

By increasing the productivity and service rate of each of your assets.

Optimizing your group's assets

By providing real-time visibility on the composition and availability of each subsidiary's assets, you can unlock intra-group synergies

Optimizing your professional organization's assets

By providing an additional concrete operational notion of belonging to an organization, a trade union, a cluster, etc.,

Optimizing your ecosystem's assets

By giving access to your assets to your ecosystem (co-contractors, subcontractors, partners, customers, suppliers, etc.) and having access to theirs, you strengthen your entire ecosystem and encourage cross-fertilization.


They testify

  • There have been times when I've had to turn down or subcontract services because I didn't have the equipment at a particular time. MyAssetRocks gives me much more flexibility

  • To date, I use 5 different tools just to manage my assets internally! With MyAssetRocks, I streamline my processes and gain visibility

  • Of course we had already thought about the possibility of renting our assets, but we didn't have the time to manage all that and in practice it was too complex. Now it is very simple and secure

  • We are committed to reducing the group's carbon footprint by more than 40% in the long run! For this, all levers are welcome and MyAssetRocks offers a real solution where there was none before

  • We constantly need to invest and renew our fixed assets. With each new investment, we ask our teams to justify the need and the profitability. But in reality, once purchased, no one tracks what return has actually been made. MyAssetRocks is a way to have a precise and detailed vision, a priori and a posteriori

  • The notion of forecasting and planning that MyAssetRocks brings allows us to no longer have to deal with last minute unforeseen events but to anticipate

Do you have any questions? Let's talk.

We'd love to have a 1:1 chat with you to explain exactly how MyAssetRocks can unlock the potential of your tangible assets.

Book a demo